Sunday, March 16, 2008


Check out my review of Kathy Acker's Blood and Guts in High School in Bitch Magazine's 'Shelf Lives' feature in the Winter 2008 issue, 'Lost and Found'.

Not only is it cool to be published in what I feel is the one of best magazines in print, I am honored to have written about one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, the late Kathy Acker.

I am working on self-publishing my thesis entitled 'Pussy Pirates Utopia: 21st Century Radical Literature: Lessons from Kathy Acker' in a zine format.

In it, I link Kathy Acker's literature with the theories of French feminist Helene Cixous, and the anti-psychology writers Deleuze and Guattari, to form what Pierre Joris calls: A nomadic poetics. I think these theories, as reflected in Kathy Acker's writing, show a way that literature in the 21st century can be a radical and anti-oppressive art form.

Write on!

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